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Incia launched a new household cleaner series which contain herbal ingredients and are produced by completely natural methods. Packaging alternatives which are inline with this claim and “as pure as nature” motto of the brand were demanded.


Referring to the purity of nature and products a plain design style was preferred. The products have superior cleaning performance without harming the skin flora. To reflect this feature of the products, a packaging form inspired from water flow were designed. By taking into consideration the products’ areas of usage, the packages were designed to be easy to grip with wet hand. The ergonomics was supported with design lines deepening towards the neck of the bottles. Thus, differentiation was also achieved without sacrificing the minimalist style. Considering the cost and production constraints, ready-to-use caps were preferred for the bottles. Green color was used for caps referring to herbal essences in the products.


Customer satisfaction was maximized with minimalist and ergonomic designs integrated with the brand’s image.

Project Date

Aug 2016