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Al Bashir Laundry Detergent


Al Bashir is a widespread brand of home care products in Middle East, especially Iraq and Iran. Differentiating and appealing packaging designs were demanded for Al Bashir laundry detergent.


A blue color with water effect was used in background to highlight function of the product. Logo was also modernized per market dynamics, category codes and latest trends. Renewed logo was used at the center of package and as large as possible. Thus, a strong brand block and memorability were provided. Bubble visuals were added to background to support “foamy wash” claim. Visual appeal was achieved with photos which evoke cleaning and fragrance of nature. Packaging lay out, fonts and icons were standardized to ensure shelf integrity among the variants. Metalized effects were used for a high quality perception. Technical visuals which can alienate consumers were especially avoided.


Differentiating and appealing packaging designs were obtained. Brand recognition and reputation were positively affected with new logo and packages.

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